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FAWAG WS-1 scale

FAWAG WS-1 scale is a contemporary and universal control scale dedicated for commercial stores, industrial facilities, storage facilities, catering businesses, fairs, and market places. It is equipped is a big dish from stainless steel allowing to easily weight goods of untypical or large sizes. Low platform provides easier work at a work station. Standard RS-232 and USB interfaces provide free connection with a fiscal register, computer, or mobile device.

Net price: 1099,00 PLN
Price provided a net retail prices offered now by Posnet Polska SA to device end users (users).
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FAWAG WS-1 scale


  very large dish of stainless steel

  scale's low platform (h 83 mm);

  two high-contrast LED displays and graphical LCD;

  RS-232 and USB interfaces providing cooperation with fiscal registers, a computer;

  tare and tare lock;

  automatic zeroing of empty dish;

  pieces counting function;

  weight limit function;

  main, battery, or cordless power supply.

Weighting scope: 6/15 kg



When validation or safeguarding features have been disrupted, the device has to be subject to re-validation before continuing to use it. We need to remind that the obligation of validating the scale, as well as keeping validation features in due conditions, is subject to the user.

Each validated scale needs to have the following information placed on the rating plate:

  device model and serial number,

  admission number (type-approval number)

  metrological parameters (load, plot, tare value, etc.),

  CE sign with letter M,

  notification unit number,

  next to the CE sign and M letter the last two digits of the year in which conformity assessment was made,

  operation temperature if it varies from -10ºC to 40ºC,

  class symbol (e.g. III),

  information about the manufacturer.


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