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Column's arm for POS FAWAG scales

Column's arms for POS FAWAG scales (for building-in). Help to assemble the display or payment terminal, allowing for optimum use of register-surrounding space.


Net price: 210,00 PLN
POS 1/3L column's arm with a display handle
Net price: 210,00 PLN
POS 1/3L column's arm with a payment terminal handle
Price provided a net retail prices offered now by Posnet Polska SA to device end users (users).
Colour option
Column's arm for POS FAWAG scales


Located on a gliding sleeve, allowing for free rotation of the arm around the column. Using bolts attached it is possible also to lock the arms. Available in three lengths: 350 mm, 245 mm, and 140 mm.

Options available:

  • arm with a handle for payment terminal
  • arm with a handle for POS display

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